Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Islam Rituals

Outline how children are welcomed into the Muslim faith?
- The Muslims call to prayer or adhaan ("God is great, there is no God but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Come to prayer."), these are the first words a newborn will hear, the child will hear this through their right ear by his or her father. The babys first taste would be something sweet, the parents may chew a piece of date and rub the juice along the babys gums. After 7 days the head is shaved, to show that the child is a servent of Allah.

What is the Aqeeqah?
- Traditionally carried out on the seventh day. This is a celebration which involves the slaughter of sheep. Sheep are sacrificed (in Britain the meat is ordered at the butchers) and the meat is distributed to relatives and neighbours and also given to the poor.

Outline the basic elements of an Islamic wedding ceremony:
- Mutally agreed
- Mahr (marriage gift) to be paid by the groom to the bride
- two adults and sane wittnesses
- written marriage contract signed by groom and bride

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