- A religious way of life, in which the truth that God revealed through all His prophets to everyone.
What were the orgins of Islam?
- 645AD. Muhummad was influencial in this creation
- By saying "there is no god apart from God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God". The believer announces their faith in all God's messengers, and the scriptutures they brought.
How do Muslims practice their religion?
- They continue to worship and follow their religion, they pray 5 times a day and associate their way of life to the religion and its values.
- Is the place of worship which God commanded Abraham and Ishmael to build over 4000 years ago. Many believe the original site of sanctuary was established by Adam.
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Ka'ba |
- Born in Makkah, in 570- was rasied by his uncle from the respected tribe of Quaysh. He recieved his first revelation from God trough the Angel Gabriel, which continued for 23 years. The Prophet and his followers were able to return to Makkah, where they forgave their enemies and established Islam definitively. He died aged 63, the greater part of Arabia was Muslim, and within a century of his death Islam had spread to spain in the West and far as China.
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Quran |
What is the Quran?
- record of the exact words revealed by God through the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad. It was memorized by him and the dictated to his Companions, and written down by scribes, who cross-checked it during his lifetime.
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