Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Simpsons Old Testement Stories

What happened?
-          This is the start of the book of Genesis. They are in the garden of Eden, and Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit
Who are the main characters?
-          Adam, Eve, God
Where it appears in the bible
-          The first book of the old testament
Why it is important
-          To know about creation and that we all have original sin and are born as sinners

What happened?
-          Moses asked Pharaoh to let his people free, so God sent a plague of locusts and they ate all the crops. Moses separated the dead sea and crossed leading the Pharaoh and his men down the ocean.
Who are the Main Characters?
-          Moses, Pharaoh
Where it appears in the bible
-          Exodus
Why is it important?
-  The Jews are led from slavery to head to the “promised land”

What Happened?
-          After David saw what happened to his friend, he came back to avenge his death and come after Goliath the giant with a stone
Who are the main characters?
-          King David, Goliath
Where does it appear in the bible?
-          Book of Samuel
Why is it important?
-          King David is important to the Jews as he symbolises the Star of David

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