Sunday, May 15, 2011


What are Refugees?
1) are outside their country of nationality or their usual country of residence
2) are unable or unwilling to return to that country due to a well founded fear of being persicuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, memebership of a paticular social group or political opinion.
Asylum Seekers who:
1) are refugees and owed protetion in Australia
2) entered lawfully on genuine documents
3) meet health and character requirements
are granted:
A protection Visa allowing permanment residence.

Asylum Seekers who:
1) are refugees and owed protection
2) meet health and character reqiurements
But who have entered Australia without proper documents are granted a :
Temporary Protection Visa allowing 3 years temporary residence.

Immigration Law requires thats people who arrive in Australia without authority to enter must be placedc in immigration detention while theiir reasons for being in Australia are investigated.

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